Legal Notice
Company identification data
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following identification data of the company are set out below:
NAME: Raúl Jiménez Muñoz
REGISTERED ADDRESS: C/ Estrella, 5 2nd Left 28004 Madrid
TAX ID: 08989056N
PHONE/S: 915212275
Conditions of use of the contents
The use of this website attributes the status of USER to the navigator, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the Conditions of Use reflected here, assuming responsibility for the use of the Site.
This “website” has been designed to inform and allow general access of all Users to the information, activities, products, and various services, owned or offered by Raúl Jiménez Muñoz, so the USER undertakes to make appropriate use of such contents and services that Raúl Jiménez Muñoz makes available through his Site, and not to use them to carry out activities that are unlawful, illegal, contrary to good faith, morals, or public order, that may cause damage to the physical and logical systems of Raúl Jiménez Muñoz, its suppliers, or third parties.
The User is therefore solely responsible for the use of the services, contents, links, etc., included on the website, and will be liable for any damages and losses of any kind that Raúl Jiménez Muñoz may suffer as a result of non-compliance with any of the obligations to which they are subject under these conditions or applicable specific conditions.
Raúl Jiménez Muñoz will not be responsible for the use that each user makes of the materials made available on this website, nor for the actions they take based on them.
Intellectual and industrial property
Raúl Jiménez Muñoz is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of his website, as well as all its content, including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, software, or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access, and use, etc.
In accordance with the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution, and public communication, or making available to the public, of all or part of the contents of this website, and in general any other form of exploitation, are expressly prohibited.
The USER may use the elements of the Site and even print, copy, etc., them only and exclusively for their personal and private use. Any act of exploitation of these acts can only be carried out with the express authorization of Raúl Jiménez Muñoz and provided that reference is made to the ownership of Raúl Jiménez Muñoz of the mentioned intellectual property and industrial rights.
The USER must refrain from in any case erasing, altering, circumventing, or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the pages of Raúl Jiménez Muñoz.
Exclusion of guarantees and liability
Anyone who uses this website does so at their own risk. Raúl Jiménez Muñoz is not responsible for any errors or omissions that the contents of this website may have.
Raúl Jiménez Muñoz will not be liable in any case for damages and losses of any kind that may arise from interruptions in the service, its malfunction, delays, and in general, any inconvenience that originates from causes beyond the control of Raúl Jiménez Muñoz, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to prevent it.
Raúl Jiménez Muñoz does not guarantee and assumes no liability for viruses, worms, or other harmful computer elements that may cause damage or alterations to the computer system of Users due to their navigation on the website, or for any other damage resulting from that navigation, with Raúl Jiménez Muñoz not being responsible for the damages and losses that such elements may cause to the user or third parties.
Similarly, Raúl Jiménez Muñoz is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of the materials made available on this website, nor for the actions they take based on them. Likewise, it will not be responsible for the content and opinions of third parties posted on its website, nor for the information contained on third-party websites that may be accessed through links or search engines on the website.
The user will be liable for damages and losses of any kind that Raúl Jiménez Muñoz may suffer as a result of non-compliance with any of the obligations to which they are subject under these conditions.
Right of exclusion
Raúl Jiménez Muñoz reserves the right at any time to deny, suspend, cancel, interrupt or withdraw access to its Site, and/or services offered, without prior notice, being able to do so of its own accord or of a third party, for those users or visitors to the website who do not comply with the conditions set forth in this Legal Notice, and may suffer the loss, if applicable, of the information stored in the different services.
Raúl Jiménez Muñoz reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to its Site without prior notice and at any time, in order to improve it, being able to change, remove, add, etc., both the content and the services provided through the website, so the user must take into account that such materials may not contain the latest updates.
The validity of the conditions will be in effect until they are modified by others properly published.
In the event that there are links on the Site that may lead the user to other Internet sites operated by third parties, Raúl Jiménez Muñoz will not exercise any control over such sites and contents.
Raúl Jiménez Muñoz will not assume any responsibility, either for the contents or for the status of any link belonging to a third-party website. It will also not guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, etc.
In addition, the inclusion of these external connections will not imply any kind of association with the connected entities, nor will it recommend or approve their contents.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
These conditions of use between Raúl Jiménez Muñoz and the USER are governed in all their terms by Spanish law, with the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Jaén being competent to resolve any dispute or conflicts arising from or related to the use of this website.